Saturday, November 17, 2012

It's just a haircut

A major part of being in the military is maintaining standards and personal appearance so every military member usually gets a haircut every four to five weeks to keep within these standards. We moved here in 99 and like all the other military personnel I migrated to the Barber Shop at the BX for my monthly event. A friend of mine named Mike Clark (an RN) not because he's a registered nurse, but because he's a Red Neck told me about Kim. She normally had a small line of people waiting for her while some of the other cutters sat and waited. She was worth the wait and even after she left the BX and opened up her own business, myself (a loyal customer) and several others followed. So for the last 12 years I've had the same person cutting my hair and this morning I showed up at "Kim's Clippers" only to find a new owner. Kim's been telling me over the last several months she'd like to sell the place and rent a chair somewhere and I guess her wish came true a little over a month ago. But where is she at now? What do I do? Do I go to the nearest butcher shop and take my chances or go to the same place my wife and go? Maybe I should protest the whole process by waiting until Kim surfaces so I can continue to get the same quality service without having to explain to another how much to cut off and where. Would it be worth letting my hair grow out to a length I haven't seen since I was a teenager? I'm still debating and in the meantime, I stopped by McDonalds on the way home to buy some comfort food to sooth my sadness/anger.  


  1. Creeper call the local barber shops.

    "Is Kim there? She wasn't where she always was before and I have to find her."

    "Um, are you sure she's not there? I need a haircut."

    "No, I want HER to give me a haircut. Just tell me if Kim is there."

    "Is she really there but she's telling you to tell me she's not?"

    "No, I really need--I need a haircut, okay? Is she there? Is Kim there?"

  2. He pouted through breakfast.

    I wonder if Craig's List has a category for LOST BARBERS?

  3. Gotta love the family support. I'll have Willie Nelson hair before you know it. : )
